Wood, brick chips, old concrete, any junk he could lay hands on. (I presume the fly was just visiting.) The patio was a lumpy, wet mess since it was largely build right on top of dirt and roots. I'm looking forward to walking on the deck with 12" of airspace to the ground.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Here's an example of the junk that I unearthed from the yard while excavating for the wall. This was what the previous owner used to fill in the brick steps from the house to the patio:

Wood, brick chips, old concrete, any junk he could lay hands on. (I presume the fly was just visiting.) The patio was a lumpy, wet mess since it was largely build right on top of dirt and roots. I'm looking forward to walking on the deck with 12" of airspace to the ground.
Wood, brick chips, old concrete, any junk he could lay hands on. (I presume the fly was just visiting.) The patio was a lumpy, wet mess since it was largely build right on top of dirt and roots. I'm looking forward to walking on the deck with 12" of airspace to the ground.
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