Tanya designed and largely single-handedly built a really nice redwood fence in our front yard last fall. But the gate never got built until a couple days ago. Here's the (almost) final product:

Creating the joints at the corners of the hexagon was interesting. I didn't want to have any exposed hardware (screws, metal plates) so I used a technique called "
splining" that Tanya found for me on the web. It's pretty simple, you just cut a notch in the back of the miter and glue in a strip of wood:

It's a lot trickier to do the spline notch in a fence post that's already standing. Here I am up on the fence, using a circular saw as a router:

It was lots of fun, redwood is really pleasant wood to work with.
Vicky says redwood splinters are dangerous. I googled this but only found two mentions, one of which says they're bad for bird perches, the other says redwood "supresses the immune response with volatile oils." There are many more sites stating redwood is an excellent choice for childrens' outdoor play areas. Hmm.
That's quite beautiful! Nice job.
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